Saving Suspended Tab With % in Title Causes Error
Michael Panagos
If you restore a tab with a percent sign (%) in the Title and have the "Suspend Tabs on Restore" option enabled, if you try to Save tabs and it's in the group of tabs to save, it will fail to save anything and puts the following error in the console:
URIError: URI malformed
at decodeURI (<anonymous>)
at j_ (utils-351c1a59.js:1:124982)
at S (tabs-b9e29ef7.js:1:632)
at g (tabs-b9e29ef7.js:1:1242)
at async X (tabs-b9e29ef7.js:1:1728)
(anonymous) @ index.ts-6704b5c0.js:1
(anonymous) @ index.ts-6704b5c0.js:1
Michael Panagos
Example URL:
The Suspended URL is:
data:text/html,<html><head><title>how is one pace 45% shorter yet one piece is only 8% filler?%20:%20r/OnePiece%3C/title%3E%3Clink%20rel=%22shortcut%20icon%22%20href=%22{color:%20blue;}%20body%20{background-color:%20white;}%3C/style%3E%3C/head%3E%3Cbody%3ESuspended%20tab:%20%3Ca%20href=%22